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Appell: Gebreel Abaker, ASASU (Association of Sudanese Abroad in Support of the Uprising)

God kveld, Tusen takk for deres hyggelige nærvær. vi samlet her på denne gode kvelden for å sende dette budskapet slik at vi kan formidle vår stemme til hele verden. Nei til krig i Sudan, fred nå , uhindret humanitær tilgang og andre livsnødvendige varer, avvikle det autoritære regimet, etablere et suverent demokrati. Vi må heller ikke glemme å erklære vår solidaritet med det undertrykte Palestinske folket i Gaza. Jeg ber dere om unnskyldning fordi jeg vil holde resten av mitt tale på engelsk.

This speech is been given by a young Sudanese media lady named Samah Khatir ، on the occasion of one – year anniversary of the April 15 war in Sudan, and Iam very pleased to share it with you here in this very lovely evening in Bergen- Norway. So that you can learn about the misery and atrocities that the Sudanese experienced during a year of war, destruction and displacement.

They searched for democracy in the homes, huts, and sheds, they had exhausted with poverty before war, death and rape. They claimed to protect our dignity by bombing people, slughtering them and displacing them in the areas of displacement and refuge.

Another year and Eid are passing, a year where we haven’t slept with hope, nor woken up pleased with morning. The Eid went and came and found us even more devastated than before. A year where they killed us, displaced us, and looted us. And then claimed that everything happened for the sake of democracy and dignity. They searched for democracy in the homes, huts, and sheds, they had exhausted with poverty before war, death and rape. They claimed to protect our dignity by bombing people, slughtering them and displacing them in the areas of displacement and refuge. A year of chaos Sudanese became pawns in the hands of warring parties. And the cheapest commodity became lives. The destruction toll was 14.000 Sudanese lives, documeted under the the circumstances of the war, and many more unaccounted, for our homes have become our graves.

RSF and SAF opened the doors to the death and closed the roads to cemeteries. A year in which war intered Sudan,s cities and life left them. Khartoum the memories and experiences of which we bear turned into a graveyard for those standed in it. The Nyala Vally filled with its peoples corpses. El Geneina witnessed the beginning of a blood bath that ever stopped .And Algazeera is in a never ending nightmare. A year of suffering, with 8 million Sudanese displaced by the war embarking on a jounrney in to the unknown, 6 and half million displaced internally among whom the war caught up even in their new places of refuge. After a year of devastation, 95 percent of Sudanese have lost their sources of income, with no salaries. Reporters from specialized organisations warn of famine. Will we die by bullets, or by hunger or oppression?

They claimed to protect our dignity by bombing people, slughtering them and displacing them in the areas of displacement and refuge. A year of chaos Sudanese became pawns in the hands of warring parties. And the cheapest commodity became live.

12 months of arguing about who startred and fired the first shot, and of watching of channels for news of peace . A year of dreaming of returning to our homes and lives. A year of civilian activism for peace supporting neighborhoods shelters ,and commen kitchens. A year of social media and media battels. A year of stray artillery shells killing civilians to misdirected airstrikes hitting civilians. A year of looting, rape, violations and killings, to hospitals being closed, and Daglo markets, to roads being cut off and travel being blocked for days .

Five years of assurance in December’s revolution. Because the revolution that death could not defeat, nor the subsequent coup from the same people, will not be defeated by war. Sudan will build freedom peace and justice!

We want to feel the Eid spirit, and wish you Eid Mubarak .May God fill the rest of our days and Eids with peace and love .

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